Friday, October 9, 2009

"Free" grants

Aloha Congresswoman Hirono,

I noted with interest the first topic to come up on your website regarding your federal grants newsletter.

Will you please explain to me where you and Congress get your authorization to take billions of dollars from taxpayers to give away to any individual, business, school or organization that you see fit?

There's a very simple test that will show anyone whether or not a government has the "right" to do something-

If I, as an individual, do not have the right in question, I CANNOT give it to my government authorizing them to do it for me.

As an individual, I do NOT have the right to walk over to my neighbors and demand that they give me "x" amount of dollars in order to fund my new business or "program".

Therefore, I cannot authorize my government to do it for me. That's called extortion at best, and theft at worst. It's really that simple. What is so hard for you and Congress to understand about that?

The only rights the government has are those granted to it in the Constitution by its citizens.

A citizen CANNOT give their government a right that they do not have in the first place.

It's no wonder that we're drifting farther and farther towards a socialist, welfare state.

Here's how your "entitlement" attitude is being advertised:

No Credit Checks, No Collaterals and No Co-Signers.
You can apply if you have Bad Credit or Bankruptcy.
You do not have to repay anything to the Government.

Isn't this the type of irresponsible behavior and attitude that got our country into trouble in the first place?

"FREE MONEY!", the ads say.

"Each day millions of dollars in Free Government
Grants are given away to people just like you!", the ads say.

Well dammit Congresswoman Hirono, IT'S NOT FREE!

You can't "give" it to someone without first TAKING it from someone else!

Quit being so "generous" with other people's money!

This same website advertised that the federal government had $912.6 BILLION allocated for "free grant money".

$912.6 Billion. $912.6 Billion. $912.6 BILLION. Do I need to repeat it one more time in order for you and Congress to understand?

That's over $3,000 for EVERY man, woman and child in the country!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but why don't you consider this bit of common sense-

Instead of taxing Americans for that $912.6 BILLION, and then taking an enormous chunk of it to "staff" the 57 Federal agencies in charge of it, along with the administrative costs of monitoring the 1,500+ grant programs....

Why don't you just stop stealing that money and let us keep the money in the first place?

Instead of taking nearly $1 Trillion through taxes and its massive bureaucracy, why don't you just leave that $1 Trillion in the hands of the consumers?

That would pay for your so-called "stimulus" package by itself.

For a family of 4, that would be an extra $12,000 this year alone!

Don't you think that would go a LONG way towards being able to keep up with the mortgage, make car payments, the ability to afford health-care, the ability to pay off debts, save a little for the tough times, and maybe even take a little vacation with the family?

Yet rather than leaving that money where it has the most likelihood of "stimulating" the economy - in the hands of us, the consumers - our government insists on taking it from us, thereby increasing the costs and size of our government, increasing the national debt, increasing the opportunity for massive fraud, and propagating the destructive, "no-credit-check", welfare mentality that the government should take care of us with its "blank check".

All while making the government look like saviors, when in fact, the opposite is the case.

These types of welfare programs and the people who support them make me sick.

Again, I ask you where you get your authority to "give away free money."

Please don't respond with some form letter telling me about the alleged "good" these grants do for our communities.

If they did any "good", why are so many small businesses failing? Why are bankruptcies and foreclosures at all time highs?

Please, explain your Constitutional authorization for these types of programs.

If you cannot, then as your employer I demand that you stop promoting these types of socialist programs that are destroying the moral, ethical and financial fiber of our country.

With respect,

Seth Gambee

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