Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Role of our Representatives in Congress

TO: US Senator James Risch
FROM: Jared and Courtenay Ellison (jc.ellison8@gmail.com)
SENT: {ts '2009-04-24 13:37:36'}
SUBJECT: General - Constitutional Issues

Senator Risch, We have made a simple observation that is really starting to grate on our nerves. Each time a constituent goes to your website to write a letter of correspondence regarding current legislation, or personal opinion, you offer a list of topics to be the "subject" of the letter. Several of you will not allow a message to be sent unless there is a subject declared. Is there some reason that you do not list the "Constitution" as one of your options (besides "other")" This should be a first option.

There are so many issues that are discussed that really should only be labeled as Constitutional, or not Constitutional. I f we get in the habit of checking legislation against the Constitution (the document you swore to defend and uphold) the state of our beloved country would be nowhere near the deplorable state we find it in.

It is really quite simple; is an issue Constitutional or not, yes or no. End of discussion. Lack of this consideration on your part is very telling as to your devotion to the sacred freedoms so many of us hold dear. As our representative, we would like you to list the Constitution as a subject point to be chosen with correspondence. We would also recommend you give consideration to this inspired document before even the interests of your constituents.


Jared & Courtenay Ellison

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